Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hemorrhoids – How to Treat Hemorrhoids Fast Even Without Any Kind of Medication

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids you would want to find quick relief that works fast. After all, hemorrhoids could be an annoying condition. Most likely, you will search for over the counter medication hoping that it would automatically rid the problem. While it’s true that some medication can actually fix some of the problems quickly, however it does not make the treatment permanent.

Why? You may ask, well the answer is quite simple. Since most, if not all medications actually, treat only the symptoms but never the root of the problem. So basically, you know what will happen next. Hemorrhoids will just keep coming back until you have really treated the cause of all your problems.

Luckily for you, there is now a remedy that is totally natural, it is safe and can make the origin of the condition go away really fast. This is what you really need more than those over the counter medications, that only offers temporary relief. Not a long lasting solution to your problem.

Aloe Vera is a product that is widely used to treat hemorrhoids problems. It is highly effective because of its healing properties, most particularly in skin problems. With just a simple application of Aloe Vera gel in the infected area, you will already notice fast relief of your discomfort. Also, if you have a plant, then you won’t need to buy the gel type of Aloe Vera; you can just directly use it to treat the infection.

On the other hand, if you suddenly find your hemorrhoids bleeding regularly, then it is time for you to use vitamin K, to prevent you from bleeding. It can be bought in most pharmaceutical shop. Don’t ignore the bleeding, it might get worse.

Unhealthy diet is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. This is the reason why a lot of people suffer from this kind of infection. Processed food is partly the reason, as this is part of our regular meal. So instead of eating this kind of food, you should try to put more fiber into your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals are a good source of fiber foods.

Food that is high in fiber gets eliminated by the body quickly, rather than those unhealthy ready to eat processed foods, which actually just got stuck into your bowel. Another thing you should consider doing to get a sudden relief, is to try sitting into a bath with hot water, for maybe 10 -15 each day, until your hemorrhoids has completely healed. Who knows, you might enjoy the time in the bath, a great way to relieve stress a well.

Bear in mind that all these are just a way to help you get a quick relief, and not a permanent solution, which is what you really need. Taking out the source of the problem should be your main concern, and not the symptoms. Still, when you actually think about it, it’s nice to know that you can always find relief to some of the unwanted discomfort brought by this infection.

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